Category Archives: Uncategorized

Week 6 Wow an Opinionated Evening

I had such an opinionated evening last night. I went to a women’s college basketball game and found myself all over the place. Tossing out specialty refereeing comments when it was silent. I was “right” on a bad call and the crowd somehow appreciated my comment. However, it was glowing reminder how “entitled” I sometimes feel to share my opinions. I realized at that moment how “judgie” I had been all evening. I probably would have continued my judgmental state of mind had we not had this MKE lesson trying to keep my “Judge Judy” under the magnifying glass. Who knew that I could learn so much at a basketball game 🙂

More learning today…. my good friend is also master keying and it was a great conversation listening to hear the monitoring of her judgements. She inspired me to be more careful in my conversation.

Week 3 MKE From Darkness to Light: Frustration to Gratitude

It has been a week of frustration and gratitude. I was not able to read for a couple of days. I found that I have young person’s cataracts in both my eyes and have been struggling for the past few months. It is funny that I have not been able to read many words but I am seeing Blue Rectangles, Red Circles and Yellow boxes all over the place. I had my eyes checked on Monday and did not realize that I was going to have both eyes dilated and numbed. The eye technician had a heck of a time with getting one of the tests completed and took 7 times to get a result. So, not only did they put all the stuff in my eyes but it took a few days for my vison to return and the sensitivity to light to dissipate. So, I have been basically in the dark and not working or reading much so far this week.

My gratitude for the week is that I am young and the cataract surgery will go easily. I am blessed to have insurance coverage for the expenses and I will be able to see the best I have ever seen in my life.

My sit time has been excellent and my images of the person I want to become has been more vivid. So my mantra for the week has been and continues to be “I am happy, healthy, wealthy, whole and complete.” I see me in the darkness, which has turned to light!

Week 1 MKMMA Punky’s Journey Begins

As I sat this week, I was feeling stuck on my DMP. I have been suffering with my back and sciatica, so focusing, sitting and sleeping have been a challenge. Sitting still for the 15 to 30 mins have had little success. However, I have had my 4th Decompression session and now starting to feel more relief on my nerve pain. Sleep has been a real treat with and without good drugs. Each day since last Monday, my affirmation has been, “Today I begin a new life.”

My longest sit was about 12 mins and I experienced fear and sadness. I spoke with a coach friend after my experience and she worked with me to stay in the sadness and to stay with the feelings. My chest was getting increasingly tighter and my back and sciatica were throbbing like the sound from a bass drum being struck at a feverish pace. About 20 mins into the coaching session my sensations began to lighten.  We kept working and the sadness and fear passed on.  I actually felt a rush of Gratitude, Compassion and Hope for my health situation. I mentioned to my friend that it feels to me that Gratitude, Compassion and Hope Live Together in a Peapod. They seem to work harmoniously together and or One of them lead to the others.

My peapod of feelings, sent on my way to the first draft of my DMP.

Week 10 Little Miracles

I had a fantastic day yesterday.  I may have mentioned that I have gone 100% solo with my commission only business. So I have made a commitment to call 3 new people everyday besides follow-up calls from previous days. Back some years ago, I used to tell my partner and others close to me that the notion is motion. I really meant to say that I am releasing energy on the universe.  Anyways back to the miracle. My DMP is that I attract raving fans by my stellar customer service. When I came back from lunch I had a mortgage broker who I have written some business, asked to quote him personally. I felt the process miracles beginning for me.  I have increased business each month with mkmma planned growth. The shapes are there for me. I also re-recorded my dmp this week.

We’ll doing = well being


Speed Reading Class

Thank you Andrei, Mark and Davene. The speed reading class was awesome. I could not believe I sped up 3x faster in an hour. I was afraid to try to read faster in my MBA program. Now, I think I would have retained more of the material by not reading all of the insignificant words and stuck with just the main concepts.  I  really liked the way to write an executive summary of each book and keep it in the book.

Thank you again,


Week 7 Day Mental Diet

This has been a long but short week. I thought I started off well with the Mental Diet. Not! I did not realize until Monday that I was have judgments and resentments running in the background.

I really did feel better and lighter in my soul in my denial. Then I realized I was speaking ill and had an agenda about a person whom we had a past. But in the speaking of this person I had flowery word justifications.

I am embarrassed by my behavior, thoughts and working Im with the girl in the glass to clean it up.  I just keep hearing and seeing the 5th Point,in my mind, that “will engage in ño transaction which does not benefit all whom it affects.” After plenty of Catholic Guilt and the Gal in the Glass, I am back on track with the program.

It did take a day to recover and my old peptides/subby wanted me to quit, but I am still here plucking away on my tablet with one finger.

I believe in me,
